Sat21Jan20175.00-9.30pmThrockley Union Jack Club
Attendance by ticket only.
email fundrasing@empas.co.uk
Sat18Feb20171000-1200Newburn Town Hall Newburn Road Newburn NE15 8QR
We hope to run these workshops on a monthly basis at the Empas studios in Newburn Old Town Hall (formerly the council offices).
Price is £10.00
Please contact Alison:
or text/tel 07887374834
to book you place.
Thu23Feb2017all day-see detailsNewburn Town Hall Newburn Road Newburn NE15 8QR in the Empas studios
Workshops for all ages are available in the EMPAS studios on this day.
Classical repertoire classes and technique.
12.30-1.30pm 4yrs and over up to Grade 1 standard £12.00
1.45-3.15pm Grade 2& 3 standard £18.00
4-6pm Grade 4 and above £25.00
Please book by contacting admin@empas.co.uk (please inform your school principal in advance of your intentions to do any of these workshops if not an EMPAS pupil).
Sat15Jul2017Sun16Jul20175pm and 1.30pmMiller Theatre (Royal Grammar School) Eskdale Tce. Jesmond.
The show will be on two days Sat 15th July 5pm and Sunday 16th July 1.30pm.
The show will showcase all pupils from Empas who can take part.
It will showcase all the dance subjects and performing arts taught at Empas.
Tickets can be obtained form admin@empas.co.uk or Tel. 0191 2672990
Tickets will all be £10.00 on sale from Sat 24th June 2017